Adam Welz's Weblog

Emotional scenes at Copenhagen: Lumumba Di-Aping @ Africa civil society meeting – 8 Dec 2009

Posted in ALL BLOG POSTS, nature & environment by adamwelz on December 8, 2009

Dear All

The leak of a so-called ‘Danish text’ that would sideline the UN in future climate deals is reverberating around the Copenhagen negotiations. (see

Today I witnessed an unexpected and extraordinary outburst of candour from one of the key players in these negotiations — Lumumba Di-Aping, Sudanese by birth and chief negotiator of the so-called G77 bloc (which mostly consists of poor countries).

I attended an ad-hoc meeting in a meeting room of the Bella Center attended by about 100 African representatives of civil society and a few African parliamentarians (among them Lance Greyling, an MP from South Africa) this afternoon. The meeting was called at short notice and its agenda was not announced. After a few minutes of introductions Di-Aping was given the floor to speak to fellow Africans. Requests were made by organisers to turn off all microphones so as not to record what was going to be said, although Di-Aping made a point of turning his on, saying half-jokingly “they are probably listening anyway”.

He did not start his speech immediately. Instead he sat silently, tears rolling down his face. He put his head in his hands and said “We have been asked to sign a suicide pact.” The room was frozen into silence, shocked by the sight of a powerful negotiator, an African elder if you like, exhibiting such strong emotion. He apologised to the audience, but said that in his part of Sudan it was “better to stand and cry than to walk away.”

Once he had composed himself, Di-Aping launched into an eloquent and direct attack on the apparent subversion of the climate negotiation process by certain developing countries, the leaked so-called “Danish” agreement that has become the talk of the conference. Since I did not feel it appropriate to stand up and video the proceedings, I live-tweeted what I could (

Speaking in measured tones, Di-Aping first attacked the 2 degrees C warming maximum that most rich countries currently consider acceptable. Referring continuously to science, in particular parts of the latest IPCC report (which he referenced by page and section) he said that 2 degrees C globally meant 3.5 degrees C for much of Africa. He called global warming of 2 degrees C “certain death for Africa”, a type of “climate fascism” imposed on Africa by high carbon emitters. He said Africa was being asked to sign on to an agreement that would allow this warming in exchange for $10 billion, and that Africa was also being asked to “celebrate” this deal.

He then went on to forthrightly address the weakness of many African negotiating delegations, noting that many were unprepared and that some members were either lazy or had been “bought off” by the industrialised nations. He singled out South Africa, saying that some members of that delegation had actively sought to disrupt the unity of the bloc. He said that civil society needed to hold its negotiators to account, but warned of a long and difficult struggle for a fair climate deal (words to the effect of ‘you have no idea of the powers that are arrayed against you’, spoken in the tone of someone who has spent years interacting with these powers.)

He said that people all over the world had to be made aware of what a bad climate deal means for Africa (“I am absolutely convinced that what Western governments are doing is NOT acceptable to Western civil society”).

He explained that, by wanting to subvert the established post-Kyoto process, the industrialised nations were effectively wanting to ignore historical emissions, and by locking in deals that would allow each citizen of those countries to carry on emitting a far greater amount of carbon per year than each citizen in poor countries, would prevent many African countries from lifting their people out of poverty. This was nothing less than a colonisation of the sky, he said. “$10 billion is not enough to buy us coffins”.

Obama, he said, would probably be brought to Copenhagen to ‘sanctify’ this deal. “What is Obama going to tell his daughters? That their [Kenyan] relatives’ lives are not worth anything? It is unfortunate that after 500 years-plus of interaction with the West we [Africans] are still considered ‘disposables’ “. “My good friends… we’ve got to get together and fight the fight.”

Di-Aping accused a group of US industrialists behind an organisation called the Climate Works Foundation of being behind the efforts to sideline the process and African countries, noting that rich governments did not want to pay the true cost of climate change or confront their own citizens with the urgent need to change their lifestyles.

Lumumba Di-Aping at African civil society meeting during climate talks at Bella Center, Copenhagen, 8 December 2009

Calling the current deal that was being proposed “worse than no deal”, he called on Africans to reject it — “I would rather die with my dignity than sign a deal that will channel my people into a furnace.” Africans had to make clear demands of their leaders not to sign on. He suggested a couple of slogans: “One Africa, one degree” and “Two degrees is suicide”

Di-Aping’s speech crystallised the room into action. A demonstration was immediately planned, and a few minutes after its end the people in the room converged on a central point in the Bella Center and began chanting and shouting — attracting a storm of media interest. (Di-Aping later addressed a formal press conference where he repeated some the points made in the African meeting, apparently no less eloquently but far less emotionally.)

Some commentators have suggested that the leak of the so-called “Danish” proposal will not significantly affect the progress of the talks here. After witnessing Di-Aping speaking to the African group, I am not so sure. It’s becoming increasingly clear that many rich countries are seeking a deal that falls well short of what the vast majority of current science indicates we need to do to avoid extremely damaging climate change, and that representatives of people in poor countries are becoming increasingly fed up at their ongoing marginalisation by the rich governments. The divide between the civil servants and NGO managers lazily discussing career options on the train across Copenhagen and those that have grasped the urgency of climate change is becoming more apparent.

With clear, credible voices like Di-Aping’s articulating the frustration of so many, are we seeing a fracturing of the Copenhagen process? Is this conference, which seems to be trying so hard to be just another ‘normal’ conference, with ordered meeting halls, name tags and too many glossy brochures floating around, going to turn into something really historic and interesting?

A note: Di-Aping mentioned in his speech that he was named after the famous Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba, even though he was Sudanese (“My parents were Lumumbist”). Patrice Lumumba was of course murdered after asserting himself too strongly against western powers, and replaced by the famously corrupt but US- and Belgian-friendly Mobutu Sese Seko.



68 Responses

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  1. CanNurse said, on December 8, 2009 at 10:06 pm

    Thanks so much for this Adam. I think your piece on this is really important, to show those of us not in Copenhage the depth of this betrayal of the W. governments. Please let us know what else unfolds. We’re all out here holding vigils, sending emails & voice mails & trying to get thru to the blockheads negotiating (wasn’t it supposed to be “for” us. ?!?

  2. upasaka said, on December 8, 2009 at 10:42 pm

    thank you so much for your eloquent words, for getting this out to the world

  3. Claire McGee said, on December 8, 2009 at 11:43 pm

    Thank you for posting this. This needs to be heard – and shared.

  4. janet bratter said, on December 9, 2009 at 12:13 am

    If it takes the tears of an old man to sensitize the cold hearted then let the tears of the poor come down like acid rain on the heads of the rich and selfish.

  5. david said, on December 9, 2009 at 12:59 am

    thank you for this thoughtful (yet depressing) report.

  6. Tania said, on December 9, 2009 at 2:46 am

    Africa should stand together. United we are 1

  7. Henriel said, on December 9, 2009 at 5:40 am

    I almost started crying myself when I read this… It put the issue at hand very clearly on the table for scrutiny.

    Everyone needs to see this to understand the gravity of the situation.

    And, may I ask everyone who hasn’t done so, to rally world leaders to attend the talks:

    In particular, will you please ask President Jacob Zuma of South Africa to attend? I’ve already sent our President a request, but in the light of this article and the conditional commitments South Africa has made so far, I think we need to step it up quite a few notches.

    Thank you for the article, Adam.

  8. Samantha said, on December 9, 2009 at 6:34 am

    Zuma is coming to Copenhagen next week, but the ANC are far too influenced by power-hungry industry and are thus being cowardly at Copenhagen. They need to hear from South African citizens – as do all leaders need to hear from their citizens – so please take action this weekend wherever you are.

    Go to for suggestions and advice on simple, powerful action ideas

  9. […] representatives from China, walked out of a press conference led by the Sudanese chair of the G77, Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping, claiming that the Danish text had come from nowhere and reiterating their claim that they would […]

  10. Hilary said, on December 9, 2009 at 7:20 am

    I agree with most of what Di-Aping had to say, but I find the whole snot-en-trane thing melodramatic and unconvincing. Maybe you had to be there.

    I also cannot understand why he is accusing South Africa of “disrupting the unity” of the G77.

    As one of the dirtiest countries per capita in the world, and the biggest emitter of GHG in Africa, South Africa has an obligation to take the lead in climate change mitigation. It should also play a major role in technology development and transfer on the continent.

    We need to stop regarding energy transformation as a problem and embrace it as an opportunity, particularly for Africa.

    Surely our goals should be more ambitious, not less.

    • adamwelz said, on December 9, 2009 at 7:31 am

      Di-Aping’s point was that some in the South African delegation are actively backing positions that would weaken a deal. He is not against strong targets, but feels that they should be stronger for those countries with a large historical ‘carbon debt’. Several high-emitting countries are promoting the idea of parallel, non-binding processes with lots of wiggle room to carry on emitting at high rates, and South Africa is seen to be partly in their camp — which does not surprise me given the constant flip-flopping of our govt on climate, our current environment Minister’s close ties to the mining industry, and the continued greenwashing churned out by Eskom wrt renewable energy.

  11. Jessica said, on December 9, 2009 at 7:54 am

    Thank you so much for writing this, just puts more urgency and importance on our protests and vigils back here in the land of the rich and sometimes ignorant… Let’s hope, let’s fight. Survival isn’t negotiable.

  12. […] Adam Welz’s Weblog says this “ He did not start his speech immediately. Instead he sat silently, tears rolling down his face. He put his head in his hands and said the room was frozen into silence, shocked by the sight of a powerful negotiator, an African elder if you like, exhibiting such strong emotion. He apologised to the audience, but said that in his part of Sudan it was “better to stand and cry than to walk away.” […]

  13. Hilary said, on December 9, 2009 at 8:20 am

    Thanks Adam, that I can understand.

    It’s quite an accusation. Has the SA delegation responded?

    • adamwelz said, on December 9, 2009 at 8:24 am

      They’re avoiding the media, all they would say to us informally was that Obama was doing a great job.

  14. Brett said, on December 9, 2009 at 9:13 am

    This is saddening but does not surprise me at all. The West has been cynically assigning Africa to the scrapheap for a long time now. Witness trade agreements that are industry friendly and limit African countries’ ability to become competitie, develop their economies. Witness the money pumped in by big pharma companies to restrict access to generics, but all sorts of devious means. What continues to shock me is the naivety of some who accept at face value, assurances that deals being offered to Africa are good, and in the continent’s own interest.

  15. Pierre-Louis said, on December 9, 2009 at 9:36 am

    “……………and South Africa is seen to be partly in their camp — which does not surprise me given the constant flip-flopping of our govt on climate, our current environment Minister’s close ties to the mining industry, and the continued greenwashing churned out by Eskom wrt renewable energy.

    Agree with Adam. Dragging their feet and not walking the talks. No or very weak actions on old decisions such as LTMS start up, empowering IPP to cover 30% of electricity supply, Eskom split, very slow and unreliable GHG inventory, Eskom still player and judge in the REFIT saga, change between Martinus to Sonjica (connected yes with coal mining) who still comes with such idea that “decreasing GHG emission will slow SA fight against poverty” ………whose “poverty” I would say.

    Regarding the 34% SA GHG decrease committment:I would say that it is a step forward, better than nothing and probably under pressure but forward anyway.

    The two comments that I would like to make are:

    1. How to make sure that this will happen without a binding agreement
    ? SA has been quite good in promising a lot of far reaching policies
    but has been consistently weak in delivering.

    2. What could we say about the relevance of “the current emissions baseline” data and about the government commitment for an adequate GHG inventory ?

    ERC states in its inventory document:
    “The GHG inventory process continues to face a number of challenges,
    the most significant of which is the availability of activity data for
    computation of the emissions
    • Data for the agricultural sector had to be obtained from
    international sources (FAO)” Imagine we have now to rely on FAO to get
    our own National data !
    • Lack of cooperation for some industrial companies connected to the
    protection of confidentiality
    • There is an urgent need here for government assistance
    • A clear regulatory framework for the provision of data for GHG
    inventory purpose would be helpful in this regard
    • In a number of cases, it was observed that emission estimates were
    not consistent Why then not organizing adequately the data collection
    with reality on the ground” !!

    I am afraid that, until SA garner the required political will for changes, starting with a compulsory GHG data supply and the required strategizing for a low development, not very much will happen.


  16. […] organisers tried to prevent the meeting being recorded, it was tweeted and subsequently blogged by Adam Welz, media director for the 350 climate action campaign in […]

  17. Landry Ninteretse said, on December 9, 2009 at 10:58 am

    Hi Adam,

    Brillant detailed post!!!Thanks Adam. I’ve done the same on two blogs I used to update, unfortunately I failed to import pictures from my photocamera.You can find my post on and

  18. Holly said, on December 9, 2009 at 11:01 am

    Good Work Adam-
    Thanks for keeping an eye on all of this and bringing this candid, very moving account to us . . . all the way back here in the belly of the beast. This really stirs me and I only hope it will be read by many. This man obviously understands how serious this is. (And I hope the Lumumba association ends with his sense of determination and duty, and does not extend to the more tragic associations you referred to in the last paragraph.)

  19. […] representatives from China, walked out of a press conference led by the Sudanese chair of the G77, Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping, claiming that the Danish text had come from nowhere and reiterating their claim that they would […]

  20. David said, on December 9, 2009 at 11:22 am

    Do you not realize this is not just happening to Africa, we will all be run over by this treaty, there will be no going back once signed, it is a evil take over under the guise of saving the planet, and it will be too late once its done, We do not need a one world government, PLEAS SEE THIS!!! I love this planet and I do so much want use to live on it cleaner and better than we have, but to do it this way will kill every nation on the planet, we will be taxed to death on anything we do. MONEY WILL NOT SAVE THIS PLANET!!!! why cant people see this? Obviously government cant tax volcanoes or earthquakes or hurricanes, so they blame it all on us, sure we have a hand in it, but how can we as simple humans without the addition of industrial plants and nuclear waste and barren dead oil fields and all the true causes of our polluting the planet be held accountable? why are we not closing the plants down that causes the worse pollution and waste and come up with a better way to make and build and not fill our skies with shit on a daily basis? This will turn us into 2 social groups the power elite and the peasant workers. I wonder how they will control the 1-2 degree temperature rise in Africa? is there a machine that can control the weather? will taxing us to death stop this supposed heat rise? I don’t understand? can someone please tell me how will this change the weather? how will our money do that? I hope that with the latest information about the falsification of the climate data will make it to the world and show what they are doing to us and hopefully is will be stopped before we sign our lives away to this underhanded lie they are trying to use.
    I love this planet,
    I love the animals,
    I love people,
    This Copenhagen Treaty will not save any of that.

    • adamwelz said, on December 9, 2009 at 11:35 am

      David you’re an incoherent lunatic. Save your words!

      • David said, on December 9, 2009 at 2:38 pm

        I am trying to understand and all you can offer is to tell me to shut up?

      • Angelight said, on December 9, 2009 at 3:08 pm

        Emotions are indeed running high on this. I believe we are all in the same boat here regardless of how we express ourselves. We are all incensed about unfair actions that are not truly focused on improving the earth as evidenced in what’s happening in Copenhagen. Thank you Adam for illiuminating us and bringing up a topic of great heated interest for us all to discuss.

      • Hank said, on December 9, 2009 at 8:08 pm

        Just exactly what we expect – call names, villify anyone who differs with your opinion. Great questions David, and I’m with you 100%. It’s clear who Pretends and who has common “since” sic

    • adamwelz said, on December 21, 2009 at 7:38 am

      Hank, you’re as incoherent as David.

  21. […] hours ago – a sentiment that is likely to continue, considering the atmosphere of protest and frustration in the halls in […]

  22. […] hours ago – a sentiment that is likely to continue, considering the atmosphere of protest andfrustration in the halls in […]

  23. Rakesh Bhatt said, on December 9, 2009 at 1:17 pm

    It reminded me of the famous legendary dialogue between the Red Chief and the White man after reading Di Aping’s speech. It would be ‘end of living and beginning of survival’ if such biased agreements are forced upon the voiceless.

    Adam, doing good job. May Allah bless you.

  24. aguitta said, on December 9, 2009 at 2:11 pm

    Thank you for sharing this. If anything, the growing number of people who are aware of the reality of our future is growing, so is the number of people who start taking actions based on this knowledge. I have 2 questions: The first one, a practical one:

    What can I do to help? (Individual in Guatemala). If its a global thing, I dont doubt there is something I can do, but what?.

    The other question I have is:

    I am sorry to sound naive. If in fact Africa where to reject this proposal, would this stop it from a 3-5 C Climate Temperature increase?. 10 Billion sounds like a big number, but concidering we are talking about a countinent suffering the consequences of global human industry, is in fact bullshit. The other seven continents are also suffering from this, it is in part caused by industry, it is also part of a natural, very long, global cycle. We are reaching the end of proportionaly short hot period of a 50,000 year cycle. So what we can do to stop climate change is in fact, very little, but very significant in terms of our survival as a species, and even more so, terms of our evolution as a global culture. Resource management has always been the name of the game of survival. This term now needs to add a new variable: Sustainable Resource Management. (This being talked about since the 60’s)

    I would recommend and I try to follow this and share this. It is we, as consumers, that have the upper hand over industry. It is in the individuals choice that the battle is lost or one. Stop paying for environmentally unfriendly products, stop working for environmentally unfriendly industries. Support local, sustainable and organic farming, small business, and large green industry.

    If the whole world donated 1 dollar a month to preserve the world… some peole are going to get very rich… but I dont think they would do much. We need to change ourselves, our tendencies, our consumption and the illusion of separated cultures. We are all living and breathing on one, changing planet. And we are as of now, a merging global culture.

  25. David said, on December 9, 2009 at 2:37 pm

    telling me to keep my words doesnt answer my question Adam, surely someone with this much invested into a blog can do such a thing?

    • Ajirea said, on December 18, 2009 at 11:17 am

      You need to bring yourself up to date on the science of climate, pollution, global warming and how quantitative emissions into the atmosphere result in rise of temperatures (not necessarily linearly across the globe, different rises at different locations) which then can result in drought followed by failed crops, deaths and catastrophes. These relationships are well established you just have to take your time to learn them. The so called, “cooking the books,” is only a myth, if that is what you are trying to hint.

  26. Nev said, on December 9, 2009 at 3:16 pm

    for David… Maybe this will answer some questions for you and point out that you are misinformed.


  27. jody said, on December 9, 2009 at 3:32 pm

    Adam thanks for this very disturbing report. I am attempting to circulate it. One kind of petty technical point. If you make your title shorter it will help getting the word out on twitter.

    • adamwelz said, on December 9, 2009 at 4:38 pm

      Use to shorten the URL and make up your own tweet title. My twitter name is @adamwelz — I’ve tweeted it (and a few other things) from there.

  28. Jane said, on December 9, 2009 at 3:58 pm

    @Rakesh Bhatt I agree. I had been trying to think of how to explain my feelings about this. Seattle’s statement about the end of living and the beginning of survival is the best association that I can think of also.

  29. JaochimF said, on December 9, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    The confrontation will not only be with the rich (Annex-1) countries: Africa, Small Island States etc. will also have to confront with China, which is opposing any reductions. I hope that countries like India, Brasil etc. with much lower per capita emissions than China shift sides and agree to emission limits – that will be less harsh for them than for many others.

    A very good graphics that shows carbon emissions from fossil fuels in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) can be loaded under (all one link!).$majorMode=chart$is;shi=t;ly=2003;lb=f;il=t;fs=11;al=30;stl=t;st=t;nsl=t;se=t$wst;tts=C$ts;sp=8.70129032258064;ti=2005$zpv;v=1$inc_x;mmid=XCOORDS;iid=phAwcNAVuyj1jiMAkmq1iMg;by=ind$inc_y;mmid=YCOORDS;iid=phAwcNAVuyj1gkNuUEXOGag;by=ind$inc_s;uniValue=8.21;iid=pyj6tScZqmEeTCOezV8a3HA;by=ind$inc_c;uniValue=255;gid=CATID0;by=grp$map_x;scale=log;dataMin=286;dataMax=48476$map_y;scale=log;dataMin=0.1815;dataMax=34$map_s;sma=37;smi=2.65$cd;bd=0$inds=i117_d001965ayaP;i170_h001972aMay;i29_d001965aWaK;i211_d001965b1aD;i18_t001972,,,,;i239_h001965aWab;i101_h001965asaq;i82_h001965aKaj;i76_h001965aCal;i44_h001965awaG;i231_d001965aEbo

  30. […] that would widen the gap between rich and poor and devestate the world. I also read a wonderful first-hand account of the Africa civil society meeting where Sudanese leader Lumumba Di-Aping movingly outlined the consequences of an unequal and unfair […]

  31. athena said, on December 9, 2009 at 7:25 pm

    so often are we left in the dark on issues that directly impact our lives, lets all hope that with this new information age (and twitter 🙂 ) the facts will reach all of us. with that in mind, if the facts show lives are in danger then action needs to start now and no amount of money can compensate for a single lost life.

  32. John Collee said, on December 9, 2009 at 7:28 pm

    Great report Adam.

  33. Lesley Williams said, on December 10, 2009 at 1:35 am

    I literally started crying reading your blog. Thank you for getting word out!

    I’ll be in Copenhagen next week.

  34. Poor countries reject “suicide pact” said, on December 10, 2009 at 4:25 am

    […] “Ten billion dollars is not enough to buy us coffins,” charged Di-Aping, according to reports from the scene. The leaked draft is not necessarily the negotiating position for many developed nations. But it […]

  35. Salifu Nurudeen said, on December 10, 2009 at 7:39 am

    Sometimes i feel disempowered as i sit in Tamale, Ghana, in helping Africa reach a fair climate deal with the West. I feel our politicians have only gone there for other interest other than Africa’s goal. If they can’t reach a good deal, then we would all die. Not even they the politicians can live to enjoy any booty from the West.

    • adamwelz said, on December 10, 2009 at 8:26 am

      Don’t feel dismpowered. Speak up. will be holding vigils all over Africa this weekend. Join one or start your own!

    • Rakesh Bhatt said, on December 10, 2009 at 11:02 am

      Dear Salifu,
      It is not only Africa that is being sort of traded off or being sacrificed. We in Asia especially the South Asia and Latin America will have to pay the price for the sins committed by the policy makers of the west.

      May God bless the righteous.
      Rakesh Bhatt

  36. […] Wednesday, Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping, chair of the G-77 nations, put out an eloquent call to those at the conference to remember that when the world is 2 degrees warmer, it will be 3.5 […]

  37. Funzine said, on December 10, 2009 at 3:38 pm

    Great Report

  38. […] Welz, a South African, participating in the summit in Copenhagen is here blogging a first account of the Di-Aping […]

  39. Top Posts — said, on December 10, 2009 at 8:19 pm

    […] Emotional scenes at Copenhagen: Lumumba Di-Aping @ Africa civil society meeting – 8 Dec 2009 Dear All The leak of a so-called ‘Danish text’ that would sideline the UN in future climate deals is […] […]

  40. […] my post from two days ago about Lumumba Di-Aping has gone huge — thousands of hits on this site and many more over at’s blog, […]

  41. Fiona said, on December 11, 2009 at 10:01 am

    Thanks for such a post. I’ve read about some of the issues regarding this Copenhagen talk lately, mostly from the newspapers in my country. However the news I’ve known is nowhere near as informative and also valuable as what I get from this entry. Touching with the flagrant truth, what Mr. Lumumba spoke must have been a profound impact on the whole issue. Until now I’ve yet to understand why rich nations keep on wriggling out of the fact that the biggest threat is underway. I mean, their purposes are because of financial preference, which everyone knows, but why can they not recognize what ramifications will be if they obstinately persist in opposing new solutions to the world’s survival?

  42. Temper said, on December 15, 2009 at 7:51 am

    No serious action on climate change will happen unless we start seeing global temperatures skyrocket. The biggest problem now is that science behind climate modeling is extremely weak – those climate models used have never been experimentally validated and yet we are told to trust them and throw trillions of at a possibly imaginary problem.

    All the power of science comes from experiment, only those areas where experiments are cheap and easy are actually rock solid, areas like psychology or climate predictions are much closer to pseudoscience then many realize since theories are almost impossible to experimentally validate and we have to rely on shaky interpretations and untested assumptions.

  43. […] knowledge. It smacked of colonialism. On the first Monday of the climate change talks, Di-Aping addressed an ad hoc meeting of 100 African civil representatives and a few African parliamentarian. He began […]

  44. […] was interesting timing for such a talk, with the climate negotiations in Copenhagen, as well as the manipulated data that is giving more fuel to folks who deny climate […]

  45. Zayid Blackmoor said, on December 17, 2009 at 3:34 pm

    Thank you for the info. Adam. It hurt my heart to hear that our leaders are selling us out once again for the promise of profit. $10 Billion wasn’t enough for bank bailouts here in the US, how could it possibly be enough to cover GHG emissions? I can’t help but feel that this is part of a deeper plan to rob “Third World” nations of their land & Natural Resourses. We as People of Color need to take a stand. We need to get our Professional Athletes & Entertainers involved in this financially. Most have enough cars & houses. Please keep me informed & let me know what I can do to be of assistance. Keep on doing what you do.

  46. Lionel said, on December 19, 2009 at 5:25 pm

    Lumumba Di-Aping had little credibility before this outburst……

    “Lumumba Di-Aping, chairman of the G77 group of developing nations, compared those behind the accord to the Nazis, saying it reflected ”the same set of values that tunnelled 6 million people in Europe into furnaces”.”

    He has even less now. He should trade in his rhetoric for some constructive bridge building. As leader of the G77 negotiating team he should start negotiating and stop the offensive rhetoric design purely to deflect attention from the the fact that he wants the developed world to do everything and developing world to do nothing toward addressing climate change.

    • adamwelz said, on December 21, 2009 at 7:41 am

      Let me get you clear Lionel – are you saying Africans are worth less than Jews? Or have you not yet read the 4th IPCC report on climate impacts on Africa?

  47. Robert Zybarndek said, on December 20, 2009 at 4:29 am

    Thank you.

    Extremly funny this guy. And least ist not lying: he wants our money – for nothing. As always.

    Dear Africa: Try to develop something by your own and stop justifiying all racial prejudices.
    Greetings from Berlin, Germany

    • adamwelz said, on December 21, 2009 at 7:44 am

      And you, Robert, want his sky for nothing.

      Dear Robert: Try to understand the arguments and stop justifying racial prejudices about Germans and their tendency to commit genocide in the name of ‘Lebensraum’.

  48. האנה מונטנה said, on December 29, 2009 at 2:12 pm

    thank you very much for this post

  49. […] to approach President Obama and demand stronger targets, or Lumumba Di-Aping of the Sudan to call out his colleagues in the G77 who would sign onto a weak deal if the price was right. It was with our language and with the […]

  50. […] “Ten billion dollars is not enough to buy us coffins,” charged Di-Aping, according to reports from the scene. The leaked draft is not necessarily the negotiating position for many developed nations. But it […]

  51. […] more slowly than expected”, part of the explanation was that some of the smaller countries were stubbornly refusing to sign their own death warrants this time, no matter what they were offered to do so. Bloody inconsiderate of […]

  52. […] to the Australian sponsored text at a December 8 meeting at the conference he said: “We are being asked to sign a suicide pact … I would rather die with my dignity than sign a […]

  53. Karen said, on February 4, 2010 at 5:41 am

    The fact is, tears and suicide pact or not, that we now have NO deal from Copenhagen that the plenary signed up to. SO it might not be 2 degrees warming but 3 or 4 degrees – in average so probably a lot more for Africa.

    It’s just not constructive to stop an ambitious deal for an unachievable ideal! And dangerous for those who have to live with or die by the consequences.

  54. […] die with my dignity than sign a deal that will channel my people into a furnace,” Di Aping had responded from the African breakaway room, before noting that the industrialised nations were wilfully […]

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